Tuesday 15 November 2016

Drinks that can hurt your teeth

Keeping a healthy body is something that is very important for a happy life.  At least for most people, their health dictates much of how good they feel.  I am not certain this is the best perspective to have, but I am certain that when you are not healthy and in pain that most of the time you wouldn't consider yourself happy.  That is why it is important to make sure you are doing your best to protect your body and there are some areas that get neglected that can help or hurt your body on a daily basis. What I believe is a big area that gets skipped is the area of dental health.  This is an area that we use daily and we can have an impact on our mouths and teeth by what we drink every single day.  I know that personally, this is an area that I need to work on and my normal habits are actually causing my teeth to erode at an accelerated rate. That is why my dentist started to lay out the things I should and shouldn't be doing with my diet and my teeth.


When it comes to drinking in the morning I am guilty of indulging in beverages that harm my teeth.  I simply love coffee and it goes beyond the need for the caffeine.  Yes, I am more than addicted to it and definitely have withdrawn if I don't get enough.  But it is simply the taste and the warmth that excites me every morning.  I live for that little boost that wakes me up and gets me ready for the day.


See I am not a morning person and I feel that I need my coffee to survive.  But what I am also doing is drinking 2 to 3 cups every single day.  That means I am exposing my teeth to a lot of acid and tooth staining liquid every single day.  I know I should be drinking less, but it is simply a necessity and I feel like I must have it.  What I am doing is causing my teeth to erode much faster than they should be and I think it is hurting me.  I am certain that my teeth are turning browner and yellower on average and that is my teeth being eaten away.  Even though I brush a lot this can actually hurt my teeth more.  So cutting back is something that I must do.


My goal is to substitute my coffee a little for tea and caffeine pills.  That is my goal to cut back on this drink that simply hurts me and millions of Americans dental health each and every day.  I think that tea will give me the same feeling and caffeine pills will actually keep me from getting withdrawal symptoms and still allow me to get that morning boost.


But coffee is not the only bad drink out there.  Pretty much all soda is acidic and also filled with sugar.  This can be even worse if you drink 1 to 3 sodas a day.  If you are also doing this on top of coffee you are truly eroding your teeth enamel very quickly.  This means you really need to start substituting alternatives and even water to help combat the tooth erosion.

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